Site Content
All information, material, images and other content on this website ("Site Content") are for general informational or illustrative purposes only. Site Content is not offered as, nor is it intended to be conveyed as or to constitute, nor to substitute for, legal advice in any jurisdiction. Wojcik Law Firm, P.C. (the "Firm") does not warrant that any Site Content on this website is accurate or complete, and hereby expressly disclaims all liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by any actions taken or not taken based on any Site Content. Site Content is the sole and exclusive property of the Firm or is used under license by the Firm. Your use of this website does not grant you any right, title or interest in or to any Site Content, and no Site Content may be used by any person for any reason without the prior written consent of the Firm.
You Agree
Users of this website, by using it, agree to the terms of the Legal Notices and our Privacy Policy, and agree to read and abide by the content thereof upon each visit to this website. See our Privacy Policy.
Not a Solicitation; Not Advice
This website is for general information purposes only, and is not intended as a solicitation of, and shall not create, an attorney-client relationship between the Firm and any user of this website or of any Site Content in whatever medium disseminated. Readers should not rely on the information presented on this website for any purpose without seeking legal advice on the specific facts and circumstances at issue from a licensed attorney in the reader's state or other jurisdiction.
No Warranty
Site Content and other information on this website contains general information which was initially intended to be current, but cannot be guaranteed to be up-to-date, complete or accurate at any time. The Firm makes no warranty of any kind as to any Site Content or as to any information contained on any third party websites that may be linked to on this website. The Firm expressly disclaims all liability and responsibility for actions taken or not taken, or reliance made or not made, or opportunities foregone, based on any Site Content and/or any information or content on any third-party websites. Any representation or warranty to the contrary, and any other representation or warranty as to Site Content or any third party site content, that might be implied or inferred is hereby disclaimed.
Your Information
Any information submitted to the Firm or any other person via this website, via the contact information provided on this website, or by electronic mail or otherwise will not be considered an attorney-client communication or otherwise be treated as confidential or privileged unless we have signed an agreement to the contrary. If you provide any information to us via this Site or otherwise, you represent and warrant that you do and shall have the right to do so, and that doing so does not violate any law or any third party rights.
If you send us an email message, including submission of resumes, business plans, legal documents or anything else, you agree that we have the right to retain the content of that email as well as your email address and any and all replies thereto, and any email threads that may develop therefrom; and you represent and warrant that you have the right to do so and agree to indemnify us from all liabilities we may incur or losses we may suffer caused by any violation by you of this Privacy Policy or any other terms or conditions of your use of this website.
Authorized Practice of Law
The Firm has offices in New York and California. Any lawyer who may be designated as "Of Counsel" to the Firm is neither an equity holder nor an associate of the Firm. The relationship to the Firm of any Of Counsel attorney is "continuing" within the meaning of Rule 7.5(a)(4) of the New York Rules of Professional Conduct, and "close, personal, continuous, and regular" as contemplated by Standard 8 promulgated under Rule 1-400(E) of the California Rules of Professional Conduct, and otherwise complies with other applicable ethical rules, including but not limited to providing legal advice with, for, or on behalf of the Firm only in such jurisdictions in which any such attorney is licensed. The jurisdictions in which the Firm's lawyers are licensed to practice are included on the page of this website entitled "Attorney Profile."
External Links
The presence of any links to other websites is for convenience of information only. The Firm is not responsible for, and makes no representations or warranties about, the content of such external websites, and does not endorse or approve of any third-party content that may be accessed through this website. The Firm is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third-party websites.
This Legal Notice and Disclaimer was first published on March 14, 2014 on the Firm's prior version of its site. Effective with the launch of the Firm's new website, on or about October 8, 2021, this Legal Notice and Disclaimer has been republished, with the IRS Circular 230 Notice removed. Effective dates of any substantive updates hereto will be posted here or elsewhere on the website.